Liaisons de phrasé sur Piano Marvel, invisibles sur Musescore

• Nov 2, 2023 - 14:36

Excusez-moi de parler en Français. J’espère que vous pourrez comprendre ma demande.

J’aime beaucoup travailler sur votre site Musescore 4 et vous en remercie beaucoup.
Cela me permet d’importer mes chansons favorites sur Piano Marvel.

Je rencontre un problème avec les liaisons de phrasé. Elles apparaissent toutes seules sur Piano Marvel et sont invisibles sur mon projet Musescore. Ce qui fait que je ne peux pas les supprimer.
Elles sont gênantes car elles barrent des notes.

Désolée si je ne poste pas au bon endroit, c’est ma première demande ici. Et merci d’avance pour votre aide.


Traduit facilement pour ce forum anglophone par :

Phrasing slurs on Piano Marvel, invisible on Musescore
Excuse me for speaking in French. I hope you can understand my request.

I really enjoy working on your Musescore 4 site and thank you very much.
It allows me to import my favourite songs into Piano Marvel.

I have a problem with the phrasing slurs. They appear by themselves on Piano Marvel and are invisible on my Musescore project. So I can't delete them. They're annoying because they cross out notes.

Sorry if I'm not posting in the right place, this is my first request here. And thanks in advance for your help."

"I have a problem with the phrasing slurs. They appear by themselves on Piano Marvel and are invisible on my Musescore project."

How are you transferring your music from MuseScore to Piano Marvel? Do you use MusicXML format? If so, please attach an example of a MusicXML file which shows this problem when imported to Piano Marvel.

In reply to by Tippii

I took your example files and generated Uncompressed MusicXML, so that the XML code can be examined in a text editor.

Your examples include only ties (not slurs), so I looked for start and stop instructions for ties:
<tie type="start"/>
<tied type="start"/>
<tie type="stop"/>
<tied type="stop"/>

All the ties seem to be correctly opened and closed. In cases where a tied note is also tied to the next note, you will see two adjacent instructions like this on the same note:
<tie type="stop"/>
<tie type="start"/>
This ensures that the first tie is ended before the next tie starts. This MusicXML opens correctly both in MS3 and in MS4.

I don't have Piano Marvel, so I can only guess. Maybe Piano Marvel is not interpreting the MusicXML instructions correctly, so that a tie which should be ended actually continues indefinitely after import into Piano Marvel?

Why not send your test file in MusicXML format to Piano Marvel and ask them?

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