opmaak partijen

• Dec 13, 2023 - 10:46

bij het afwerken merk ik dat de opmaak van de partijen verschilt van de opmaak van de hoofdpartituur.bv: letter A bij een onderdeel heb ik in een vierkant kadertje geplaatst. dat kadertje vind ik echter niet terug in de opmaak van een aparte partij. hetzelfde probleem ondervind ik bij bv crescendotekens, die, correct geplaatst in de hoofdpartituur, nog op de juiste plaats moeten verschoven worden in de aparte partijen.


Translation for this English-language forum:

Formatting parts
When finishing, I notice that the layout of the parts differs from the layout of the main score. e.g.: I have placed the letter A in a square frame for a part. however, I cannot find this frame in the layout of a separate part. i have the same problem with e.g. crescendo marks, which, when correctly placed in the main score, still have to be moved to the right place in the separate parts.

In reply to by tomverschaeve

You are apparently using System Text elements for what look like rehearsal marks. Why don't you just use Rehearsal Marks?
Handbook: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/rehearsal-marks

The advantage of using a Rehearsal Mark is that you can search for it in your score - see the Handbook:

As regards mmm.51-56, you have placed both a dynamic and the begin or end anchor of a hairpin on the same note. This results in a very fragile layout, but it is a known problem. See the comments from @oktophonie in an earlier post about Hairpins:
However I don't think that the problem has been fixed in MS 4.1 (or 4.2).

In your score you will also find a few cases where you have two hairpins in the same place (one hiding the other). That is bound to affect the layout.

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