Regarding the problem that the latter note is automatically deleted without being pushed when the beat of the note is increased

• Dec 12, 2023 - 12:33

Is there a separate setting for musescore4 to solve this? Here is an example of a photo

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MuseScore does not move notes like a word processor, except in insert mode. However, this does not move notes to the next measure, but only extends the current measure. The 4/4 measure would then become a 6/4 measure. I don't think that's what you want.
In your case, you would have to cut all notes from beat 4 to the end of the score and insert them again one beat later (here in beat 1 of measure 2). And then you can change the quarter note on beat 3 to a half note.

At least that's how it works in MuS 3.

This comes up now and then. Frankly, it doesn't make much sense. If you move all the notes left, then the melodic emphasis is all off. You have to rewrite things. If you are experimenting with melody, perhaps change the meter to something large at first.

In reply to by rlarbtmd00

MuseScore is designed to have note durations and pitches entered from the start but there are other ways of doing it. Alternative note input methods (including Insert mode) are covered in the Handbook here:

Insert mode will not move all the notes in the whole score to the right but will extend the duration of the measure that you are working in to accommodate your new/longer notes. Later, you will have to manually tidy up your score to get all the timings correct.

In reply to by HildeK

If I write all the notes in 'insert mode' and then all the notes are adjusted to match the beat I set (certain notes will be deleted) so then, -> where's the function where the notes are pushed back (a new bar is automatically added) and the rest of the part within that bar is automatically replaced by commas?

In reply to by rlarbtmd00

I can only see this one bar in the pictures and didn't know what to make of it or what your goal is.

Musescore does not move notes to the next bar or add one! This behaves differently than in a word processor!

The bar is simply extended in insert mode, in this case from 4/4 to 6/4. If you reduce to 4/4 the last two notes are deleted.
You have to cut this notes beforehand and insert them again on the correct beat. And even if this applies to all notes up to the last bar, you have to select all of them up to the end, cut them out and insert them again appropriately. And you should append empty bars first.

In reply to by rlarbtmd00

I hardly ever use it.
It may be that something was not recognized correctly during a PDF import and a beat is missing, in which case it is useful. But this could also be adjusted in the measure properties.
In my opinion, only the 'Re-Pitch Mode' is often useful, because if several instruments have the same rhythm, you can copy the notes from one instrument to another and then adjust the pitches. This also saves work if these notes require a lot of articulations, as these are also copied.

In reply to by rlarbtmd00

I'll try to explain it using an example picture.
Re-Pitch Mode_.png
First I write the horn notes (measures 1 and 2). As the trumpet should have the same rhythm and the same articulations at this point but different pitches, I copy the horn notes from measures 1 and 2 to the trumpet (measures 1&2).
But I would like to have different pitches for the trumpet. For the picture, I copied the first two measures again to measure 4 to show both, the starting point and the result.

Now I select the first note of the trumpet (in measure 4, which was a G and should become a C) that I want to change, go into re-pitch mode and simply enter new note names with the keyboard. In this case I have entered C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C-D-E. You can now see the result in the trumpet staff from measure 4 and you can compare it with the trumpet notes in measures 1 and 2 which have the (wrong) pitch sequence. The rhythm and articulations have been preserved.

This is very useful if you are transcribing a score with several instruments. Different instruments often have the same rhythm in sections, but play a chord together. This can save you a lot of work because changing the note length and setting the articulations no longer interrupts the flow of work.

In reply to by rlarbtmd00

No, there isn't a problem. But we changed the theme!
I'm afraid you're confusing two modes:
First we talked about the insert mode and then about the re-pitch mode. These are completely different things!
I explained the re-pitch mode to you last.
I would still have to make an example for the insert mode or you can read through the manual page.…

EDIT: my "score" makes no musical sense, it is only for demonstration purposes!

In reply to by HildeK

Here is the (simple) example I promised:
Insert Mode_.png
I have three beats in a 4/4 time signature (measure 2): one beat is missing e.g. before beat 2 (see the grey '-') there should be a C on beat 2.
I select the existing A on beat 2 of measure 2 and enter insert mode. Then I set a C on this A and the result is shown in measure 3. The grey '-' has gone because the measure has now its nominal length.
Use the mouse for this or press C (keyboard will lead to C5 instead C4 because it is the nearest C).

In reply to by HildeK

Simply put, if you don't use the re-pitch mode, you have to write the same rhythm (ex : two notes, two quarters, two six notes, two quarters, two quarters, two quarters) <- You have to press the mouse one by one like this, but if you use the re-pitch mode, does this solve it? (It's recognized as the beat of notes that meet one standard?)

In reply to by rlarbtmd00

Yes, I have to write all again for an other instrument. It is a lot of work, especially if there are a lot of articulations and a frequent change of the note durations. To make the work easier - if the rhythm of the next instrument is the same, I copy first the notes of these measure and set them to the correct pitch.
Re-pitch: Rhythm, count of beats, articulations are preserverd, note pitch will be changed.

Insert mode is different. I have a wrong count of beats in my measure, e.g. three beats in a 4/4 time signature. So I can use this mode to insert the missing note.
Insert: you add an additional beat before an existing note.

In reply to by HildeK

Thank you very much. You're a professional!
I'm a non-major who didn't major in composition, but I love classical music so much that I decided to just try it out. (Romantic, not contemporary music - concertos like Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto 2 or 3) Does MuseScore 4 fit well with such vast and delicate work?(in standpoint of 'error' or Data-lost' so forth) I'd like to talk to you more on Discord! (add : 주식에 미치다)

In reply to by rlarbtmd00

I am far from being a professional in music, I only play one instrument in a brass band. I didn't study music or computer science, but electrical engineering.

However, I can handle MuseScore quite well, even if I don't know a lot of things. However, I can only use MuS 3. I can't say whether MuS 4 fulfills the requirements regarding errors and data loss for your applications. However, the many reports here in the forum indicate that there are frequent problems, which I have hardly ever experienced with version 3.6.2. It is advisable to save your work frequently and under a new name to prevent data loss.

Unfortunately, I don't use Discord and I'm from Germany - so talking in English wouldn't be such easy for me either. But if you want to contact me outside the forum: click on my name, then you can write a private mail to me via

Your Discord name suggests Korea? Very beautiful country, very nice people there. I was in Jeju-do in 2005, exactly in Jeju-si, at a wind band festival and have very fond memories of that trip.

In reply to by HildeK

I am also not good at speaking English.
And other Korean regions except Jeju Island are not suitable countries for musical inspiration that compared to other European regions.
I want to watch and learn from you working in muscore in real time

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