Visual breakage when switching views

• Dec 22, 2023 - 02:31

Changing the view from Page View to Horizontal Continuous View visually breaks the score by adding absurdly large spaces between instruments, and when returning to Page View, the score does not fit on the page.

Attachment Size
VistaContinua.png 236.06 KB
Vista página.png 400.15 KB


Hard to say much from just pictures. Please attach the actual score so we can understand and assist better.

Note that the second picture seems to show the score simply cannot possibly fit; it probably never fit and this probably has nothing to do with whatever is going on with continuous view. You almost certainly need a larger page or smaller staves or both and always have.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It happens with all the scores that are converted from previous versions, apparently. Those that were created with version 4 or, in principle, with the immediately previous version, don't have this issue.
I'm attaching an example, downloaded and converted. It happened when trying to reopen it from 4.2.
Regarding the fact that it doesn't fit, before switching to the horizontal continuous view, it fit completely.

In reply to by sanipachenko

It happens in 4.2.0 with every sufficiently large score in continuous view, as of a certain width, which depends on the number of measures and their content as well as on the Space setting (Format > Page settings > Scaling), i.e. on the total width of the score. And of course on whether there are slurs or ties beyond that 'magic' width

In reply to by sanipachenko

That score does fit its pages in page view. the one from the initial post does not, not on all pages
It just has a sufficiently small Space setting.
Alternative (and quite usual for a conductors's score) would be to use A3 rather than A4, as at its current setting ~1mm/sp it is way to small in printouts, see attached. That does look worse though in continuous view, see above for the reason

In reply to by sanipachenko

The score itself is not damaged in any way; the issue is just a visual glitch that occurs in continuous view only. So, no need to worry as far as that goes. It will display in page view, print, and export to PDF just fine. If you want to edit it in continuous view and find the glitch too distracting, you can temporarily reduce the staff size in Format / Page settings enough that it doesn't trigger the bug anymore. The bug will be fixed in the upcoming 4.2.1.

Regarding VistaContinua.png:
You may have inadvertently moved a hairpin, a text element, a dynamic or something else significantly downwards.
Select everything, press Ctrl+R and then toggle between page and continuous view.
If this does not help follow Marc's instruction and attach the score.

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