Note input

• Jan 1, 2024 - 10:00

I've seen this discussed earlier but I don't see a solution to the extremely annoying "feature" of note input.
I can not disable it "permanently".
Here's my problem on Windows PC:
I disable the "pencil" in upper left corner of toolbar.
Input a note with keyboard, let's say G quarter note.
As soon as I input the note the pencil input is again enabled.
If the mouse is moved the note on staff where mouse is wants to be entered.
If there are already notes entered following the previous entry with keyboard and I want to edit those I again
need to turn off the input pencil.
If there is a Low E on the G cleff staff and I want the next note to be a high D, well the entered note goes below the low E. The Pencil is on. I can't point to the D to move it until I again turn off the pencil input.

I could go on and on about various scenarios of why the pencil input automation is extremely annoying but I think some of the above makes it clear I hope.

I am not looking for a discussion really but a solution, perhaps the need to implement a preference for how editing should work in regard to the Input Pencil/keyboard/mouse. I was a software engineer and don't see why this should not be possible.

I have used Musescore for a number of years and this issue has always bothered me but it is now just a real burden and it was time to write.



Yes, other people, myself included, would love a keyboard only input mode, keeping mouse as selection tool instead of note entry one.
Removing the need to always press escape before being able to use the mouse as selection tool.
That doesn't currently exist :-(
One of the scenario is when I'm entering notes with the keyboard, then use another app, typically the pdf or image viewer app showing the score I'm copying, when I'm need to give focus back to MuseScore I can't just click anywhere because on most places a click will add an unwanted note.

Seems pretty consistent to me. In order to input notes (keyboard, mouse or midi), you need to be in note input mode. It is turned on automatically if you input with the keyboard. Pretty handy. Not so for a mouser. They have to actually turn note input on and off. If you can remember all the shortcuts to add notes, is it hard to remember to hit "N" to use the mouse for something else? Not discussing, just asking.

In reply to by bobjp

This issue seems to resurface periodically. I just started using MuseScore Studio 4.4.4 and I too am irritated by the mouse always switching to note input when I'm trying to enter notes from the computer keyboard--I want an option to turn that off. My computer also allows touch screen and pen input which I haven't tried yet. I understand MU once also had piano roll input; to me it makes much more sense to use the mouse (or touch/pen) for note entry on a piano roll, where you can draw the duration, than on a staff where you need another input for duration.

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