1/8 stems in piano chord do not merge.

• Jan 2, 2024 - 08:26

Dear all,
as you can see in the attached picture, i am writing chord for a Piano spelling out each note in a different voice.
Using the default, and flipping the stems all in the same direction works nicely for both 2/4, 1/4 and dotted 1/4.
However, with 1/8 the flags are shown for each note of the chord and this is kind of messy.
I would like that only the first voice (I numbered 1: the top, 3: the bottom voice) shows the flag.
I've tried from the Properties on the 2nd and 3rd voice
- note head, override visual duration setting to 1/4 did not change anything
- note stem, stemless removed the whole stem resulting in voice2 and 3 without stem ... not my desire
- note stem, change flag style traditional and straight, same result

I am on macOS 11.7, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.0-233521125, revision: eb8d33c

Looking forward your advice.

Attachment Size
Schermata 2024-01-02 alle 09.11.41.png 41.18 KB


Use the keys 'b', 'Shift+d', 'Shift+b' when entering the eighth notes. If you want the stems to go up, use 'x'.

In reply to by DanielR

Thank you for raising my attention to the section of the help on entering chords, and particularly on entering from lowest to highest .
Nevertheless, I did not wanted to write "chords" but instead individual voices, in order for later to be able to more easily extract them and orchestrate them without entering them again.

In reply to by underquark

Hard to say what is best now. He already has everything written out. You could change everything to voice one. That might work as long as note values are the same. But then you have all the voice 2 and 3 rests to delete.
As it is now, it is only the 8th notes he has to deal with.

In reply to by bobjp

Well, if it's just the one piece that already has all the notes entered, right-click on a stem and Select >Similar then change the stem direction in Properties goes some way to adjusting it, followed by clicking on a flag in a particular voice and Select >More >Same voice and pressing V for invisible.

I think for a new piece I would find it easier just to enter it as a normal piano piece and then use Explode - when used on sections with different timings, yes you need to tweak it a bit but I think I'd find that easier than adjusting a lot of stems and flags and it's also more logical for exporting separate parts and tracks.

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