Copyright details on one page only

• Jan 3, 2024 - 20:45

I am having real problems getting the copyright details onto the title page only
When I use the footer it either ends up on every page or every other page and when it does go on its also pages long and I need it to be able to format it to a smal oblong section at the bottom of the page

Attachment Size
Mandy - Barry Manilow - FB + Brass.mscz 161.66 KB


In reply to by Mike Richards

I replied initially from my phone and couldn't look at your score. Now I have looked at it and I see there is no copyright information in the Project Properties. That is where the text shown by $c and $C comes from. No text - no display!

I also note that the score was initially created in 2017 and therefore was created in an old version of Musescore. When I look at Format>Style>Header&Footer. This is what I see


  1. The tag $:copyright is a hangover from the old version of MuseScore. It is better to use $c show on all pages or $C show on first page only (note there are no colons in those tags).
  2. The Different odd/even pages option is unticked. Therefore anything in the Even section is ignored - note that the word Even is greyed out.
  3. Show on first page is not selected.

If I enter something in the copyright section of the Project Properties and add $C to the Odd/Even section of the footer style setting and tick Show on first page I get this on the title page.


The modified score is attached. Look in Format>Style>Header&Footer to see what I did. Mandy - Barry Manilow - FB + Brass With Copyright.mscz

If you have a multiline copyright text, you should create it in a word processor and then copy and paste it into the Project Properties. Musescore's text editing facilities are limited (practically non-existent).

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