big grace note chord

• Feb 13, 2024 - 20:36

Hello there! Is it possible to notate this chord with grace notes in Musescore?

Attachment Size
SharedScreenshot.jpg 34.11 KB


" Is it possible to notate this chord with grace notes in Musescore?"

It is possible, but don't expect correct playback as well.

And... well, if my daily workflow involved these tricks and jumping through these hoops every day... then I would abandon music notation and find a different hobby!

Attachment Size
Grace_note_chords.mscz 11.45 KB

Edit: Late to the ... whatever you call this. "Party."
With some trickery, it certainly is:

Consider using transparent noteheads, if Mu4 allows that. If not, good luck!
Pink for hidden, Orange for transparent here:

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