Drumset Keyboard Shortcuts

• May 5, 2024 - 15:25

Is it possible to the computer keyboard shortcuts for drum set note entry beyond the initial letter? For example, I have E as the shortcut for my Tom1. But I have several Toms. I would like to have it that if I hit E and then the down arrow once, it would move to Tom2, and if I hit the down arrow again, it would move to Tom3. Or similarly, I can hit C for Crash, but I would like to be able to type C and then down arrow once would be Splash, and down arrow a second time would be China. Is this possible? And if so, how do I configure this?


In reply to by TheHutch

Thanks for the reply, and pointing out where Edit is located. (I should have looked a little more.) I did not find anything helpful in the Keyboard Shortcuts documentation, but I did get it figured out. When you hit a shortcut (letter A-G) to enter a note, and then hit the up or down arrow, it moves to the next highest or lowest MIDI number that has a defined instrument (as determined by the Name field) in the Edit Drumset window. If you sort the instrument list by the far left No. column, it is easier to see what is happening. By blanking out the Name field for items I don't use, I was able to get most of the way there. But the default order is a little weird, especially for Toms, and I wanted to leave everything I could as it is by default because I wanted to preserve the correct sound for each item. But I also wanted the Toms in order, and I use a 'Tom3,' which is the B line on the staff, and there isn't one of those by default. So the sounds for a couple of my Toms are flip flopped on pitch, and one tom is the open hi-hat sound. But I can do entry now as I wanted with shortcuts and arrows. And, I think I will start using mouse to enter notes as well. With the kit cleaned up (names blanked out for things I don't use), that now looks like a good option. I will also look into how the sounds for each instrument are defined and linked and see if I can't figure that out as well.

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