Muse Score crashes when removing bars at end of score

• May 29, 2024 - 16:42


i'd love some help in trouble shooting a problem with the attached score

Muse Score crashes when removing/deleating bars at end of score (page 8)

Muse Score also crashes when i try to change the time signature at the start of page 8 to Cut time.

Score attached

Version OS: Linux Mint 21.2, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.1-241490902, revision: 026c26b

Running from appimage.

Attachment Size
The_Patrington_Setting.mscz 123.16 KB


I think that your problems are caused by the fact that parts have been generated.

Here is what I did:
1. Opened your score with Mu 4.3.0
2. Tried to insert a Cut time signature at bar 61 (page 8) - result was an immediate crash.
3. Opened your score with 7-Zip, and deleted the Excerpts folder completely. This removes all the parts, leaving the full score intact.
4. Closed 7-Zip
5. Opened your score with Mu 4.3.0
6. Tried to insert a Cut time signature at bar 61 (page 8) - result was a correct outcome. See the new time signature in the attached score at bar 61.

In general, it's a good idea to delay the generating of parts until you are finished with making structural changes to the full score.

Just one more remark. It's nothing to do with using an AppImage, because my testing was done on Windows:
OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64,
MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.0-241231433, revision: 5f36e74

In reply to by timjamparker

Alternatively: in your case, the problem was in the “Melody” part. When you created the parts, it would have been sufficient to reset this part (or all three, since you don't necessarily know where the problem is), by going back to “Parts”, then clicking on the three little dots (...), and on “Reset”. This reset rectifies the issue/fixes the crash.

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