• May 30, 2024 - 03:17

I cannot find a way to write more music to the next page, I tried to add bars but it only add to the end of the last measure, I need go to the second page. I searched online but there were no solutions. I am using system breaks (4 Bars). Also, there are red notes and I cannot find a way to delete it. Please Help MEEE

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Catalina 2024-05-30 at 10.16.29.png 441.4 KB


> there are red notes and I cannot find a way to delete it
Notes colored red indicate that the pitch is outside the range of the instrument and/or the ability of a professional player to play them.
You can change the limits in the staff/part properties or switch off the coloring completely in the Preferences -> Note input by unchecking "Color notes outside the usable pitch range".

The coloring is only an aid for entering notes. These notes are not colored on a printout or PDF.

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