set right and left loop markers musescore 4

• Jun 4, 2024 - 23:58


Why isn't the muse score development community addressing the issue with setting the right and left loop markers not looping the correct measures where they are set for?

When is this going to be addressed? it used to work very well in muse score 3



The loop markers work fine for me in MS3 and MS 4.

Remember, you are posting in the MuseScore community forum. You are part of that community. You have the same rights as other in the community to help develop code to do what you want and you have the same obligations, which is to say, none - you are not obliged to do the coding for this and no one else is either. All in all, it sounds like you have a problem rather than the program - unless you can post again with detailed instructions on how to make it fail.

In reply to by underquark

thanks for your sarcasm, but I am not a coder, so don't assume, ask if you're don't know. I said it worked fine in ms3, but not ms4, I do believe I know how to set the loop markers, they are supposed to loop inside the markers, not outside, please do not respond if you don't have any positive feedback.

In reply to by rator

a) You didn't say that you are not a coder. So how was underquark's statement sarcasm? Indeed, it was a serious suggestion even for those who are not coders. It's not THAT hard to learn and it's fun.
b) underquark stated that looping works in both MuS 3 and MuS 4. I can confirm: for most users it does work.
c) Please don't tell others not to contribute. That is not your prerogative. Indeed, his suggestion that you join the community is, beyond any possible doubt, positive feedback.

Now, without anger or putdowns, tell us EXACTLY what is happening. More detail is best. Start with the exact version you have of MuS (Help / About MuseScore). What operating system are you running this on. Describe, in excruciating detail. what you do that gets you to the problem you are seeing, and exactly what happens when you get there.

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