Scores list

• Jun 6, 2024 - 22:52

Is there a way of ordering the list of scores (when opening the app) alphabetically by title. Right now the list is quite random, neither alpha nor date of last edit.


This thread ( describes how to delete entries from the list. I would assume that you could re-order them by modifying that list. However, the next time you opened another file, they would be out of order again.

They are in order by most-recently opened, on the assumption that you are most likely to want to re-open something you opened recently.

I wish that we could a) easily remove items from the list, b) set items to "always appear", and c) include folders on the list (and thus, NOT include any scores in that folder). I suspect the third is complicated, but the first two should be very easy.

I mostly use "Open other" or File>Open where I can see my score folder and can sort by name or date.
And use from time to time File>Open recent>Clear recent files.

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