MuseScore crashes to desktop when pressing ESC whilst picking a screen color in the color picker

• Jun 10, 2024 - 20:01

Edit: I've reported this on github.

Hello team,
I discovered a bug when cancelling picking a screen color in the color picker.
Hope you can fix it in the next version.

Thank you very much!

Issue type


Bug description

I want to pick a Fill Color for a Staff Text box in my score.
I go to its properties, and click "Fill Color". The color picker pops up.
I click "Pick a screen color". The cursor changes to a big "+" sign, for picking any color on the screen. Also, beneath the "Pick Screen Color" button a notice appears, saying: "Cursor at xxx yyy; Press ESC to cancel".
I regret, I don't want to pick any color - I want to cancel. I click ESC, the "+" cursor stays as it is (I can still move the cursor freely), but something weird happens: In the "Properties" palette, most of the buttons disappear, and after 1-2 seconds the whole MuseScore app crashes and closes without any message.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open any score.
  2. Add a Staff Text and click it.
  3. In the properties sidebar click "> show more", then click "Fill color".
  4. In the color picker, click "Pick Screen Color".
  5. Press ESC on your keyboard.



Score file

staff text color picker crash.mscz

Screen recordings

musescore color picker crash video.7z (sorry, I couldn't understand how to upload a video here. )

Log file


MuseScore Version


Operating system

Windows 10

Additional context

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later
Arch.: x86_64,
MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.1-241490900,
revision: 026c26b


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