Velocity for individual notes in MS4 when using Muse Sounds - KEYS - piano

• Jun 23, 2024 - 15:25

First, thank you company for making this great program - MS4 and Muse Sounds.
I have a good experience with these.

I faced a strange situation. Although recent update, it still remains.

Usually I use pianoteq and KEYS (from Muse Sounds)

When I want to change velocity for individual notes, I click 'Properties tab' and click 'Playback' and change the number of 'Velocity'.

This practice works well when I use pianoteq.

However, strangely, when I use grandpiano of KEYS (from Muse Sounds), this practice doesn't work.
For example, for quiet setting (ex. 32 or lower number) the sound is same as initial value (velocity of 64)
For loud setting (ex. 96 or higher number) the sound is same as initial value (velocity of 64)

Does anybody have same experience with me?
If any, do you have any solution?

Thank you for reading.

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This is a known issue. It seems that Muse Sounds responds to changes in dynamics, not velocity. The Samples are mapped to the dynamics objects, not the velocities.

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