Size of "repeats & jumps" markings

• Jun 29, 2024 - 15:19

"Repeats & Jumps" markings like the Sign, the Coda, "DS al Coda", etc are too small for me. I can increase the point-size manually by adjusting it's Properties each time, but I can't find where there size is adjustable under Format->Style. It would be great to adjust this once in a saved Style so all my lead-sheets would benefit.

Bonus question: I select grace-notes from their pallet and apply them fine. But though the pallet symbol shows a slur connecting to the destination note, my score never shows the slur either on-screen or in the printout. I have to put each slur in manually, correct?

I'm running 4.3.2 on Windows. Thanks....


  1. Once you've changed the size in Properties, drop (by holding down Ctrl + Shift before releasing in the palette) these "new" symbols into the same palette, or a new custom palette, as preferred . The size will be preserved and you can use them at any time for other scores.
  2. "But though the pallet symbol shows a slur connecting to the destination note, my score never shows the slur either on-screen or in the printout. I have to put each slur in manually, correct?"

    Correct, they're just symbols in the palette. See:

In reply to by cadiz1

Looks like you can also right-click on the item in the pallet, choose Properties, and adjust "Content scale", right?

And do I understand correctly that things like the point-size of a coda sign aren't part of a save-able Style, but are instead a property of the program and would get applied to any score you worked on?

In reply to by Lyle

"Looks like you can also right-click on the item in the pallet, choose Properties, and adjust "Content scale", right?"
Yes, but this only affects only the scale of the symbol inside the palette, not on the score. This local change has absolutely no effect when transferred to the score.
If you want a larger size on the score, you need to make the size change in Properties, then drop the sign in the palette, as written above.
I don't really understand your question about the dots. The dots on Segno and D.C., for example, also change size when modified in Properties.

In reply to by Lyle

Neither one of these methods (drag & drop to pallet, or Content Scale of item in pallet) seems to last through Musescore exit & restart. And since you cant save the Style, it looks like I have to adjust sizes of codas, signs, D.C., etc every time I start Musescore and work on a chart.
Do I have it right? Thanks....

In reply to by Lyle

Ok. There are three things:
1. As mentioned above, by changing the size on the score via Properties, then drop in the palette, the change is saved after Quit/Load.

  1. The same applies if you change the scale of the palette content via Palette Properties (the default is 0.75). For example, if I increase it to 1.0, the scale is saved after Quit/Load. You can access these Properties by right-clicking on the name of the palette itself, or by clicking on the three small dots "..." opposite it on the right.

  2. There seems to be an issue if you change the scale of a particular cell (via right-clic on a sign), the Segno cell for example. As far as I can see, this change is not saved after Quit/Load.

I don’t know if it’s reported on Github, but I'd say this isn't really a problem, since you can increase the scale of your various symbols via the Palette Properties (not the Cell Properties), AND on your score, via the Properties, as already written. And both settings are absolutely preserved after Quit/Load.

See the GIF below, with:
1. the default palette
2. custom palette: signs with higher size (via Properties on score, and drop in the palette)
higher scale - 1 instead 0,75 - for the palette itself (via Properties palette)

Video repeats.gif

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