Playback adjustments

• Jun 28, 2024 - 13:21

I don't have the playback adjusting tools with the six dots. Only parts and mixer on the top of the page. What can I do?

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Musescore missing dots.PNG 27.51 KB


I can make mine disappear by moving it below the bottom of the screen. If I move it off the docked position, exit MuS, and restart, it appears in the same position I left it. So I'm'a guess that you inadvertently moved it below the bottom of the screen and dropped it there. and now it's stuck there.

I don't know how to "pull it back up" if it's stuck there as I assume. Anybody else?

Oh, and Ctrl+F11 has no effect on my MuS either. I don't see that it is an assigned shortcut but F11 alone toggles between Full Screen and normal mode. How would that affect the Play Panel?

In reply to by TheHutch

I thought [Ctrl] F11 was standard behavior but it seems likely that I added it to my shortcuts, in which case that might be a method to find or restore the Playback toolbar.

What about View >Toolbars >Playback controls? If that doesn't work then your off-the-screen hypothesis is likely and it might take hacking the file that saves setting to get it back.

In reply to by underquark

underquark: If you have it set as a shortcut, you might be able to identify the command in the file shortcuts.xml. Mine is at C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4\.

I can't find a particular file that saves settings. Do you know what file that is? Or where it is? I've looked in C:\Program Files\ and C:\ProgramData\ and C:\\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\. I assume it's either .INI or .JSON. There are NONE of the former, but there are lots of the latter. However, they all seem to be quite specific about storing these values or those (e.g., shortcuts or sessions). None of them have general settings for the application and a solid majority of mine are simply empty, containing only the opening and the closing square brackets.

[A few moments later]

Oh dear, I wonder if it's C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4\logs\dumps\settings.dat. If so, it's a binary file and cannot be easily read/edited.

In reply to by TheHutch

I found a file with settings which has a UI State file inside a zipped Workspace file, but I don't know how to change anything with a subtle and predictable effect. Deleting it does reset the Playback toolbar, but what about going to the menu and selecting View >Restore the default layout, though?

In reply to by kormosjano

Now that you have it appearing, you should be able to "put it back where it belongs", by dragging it back to that upper right frame position. And if you can do that, you can also put the "P" shortcut back to its default value ... assuming you want to, of course. By default, "P" is assigned to "Show/hide piano keyboard".

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