v3.7 Evolution

• Jul 11, 2024 - 23:49

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: f3ed6c7

Crashes & exits, upon opening if no previous session exists!
This is whether answering YES or NO to "restore previous session" prompt.
Creating a session with v3.6 and then opening it with v3.7 seems ok.

Don't know what other details to provide.


I don't understand. How can it ask to resetore a previous session if there is none?
How can it be that there is non, if 3.6 ran on the same system before?
How to reproduce the issue?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ok, my bad description...here yo go
1. I run v3.6 and it comes up with: "Previous session quit unexpectedly" answering either Yes or No
brings up box with "Open Score or Close"
2. I open a score and exit v3.6
3. I run v3.7 and it comes up displaying the score.
4. I remove the score and exit v3.7
5. I run v3.6 and brings up box with "Open Score or Close", I choose Close and exit v.3.6
6 I run v3.7 brings up box with "Open Score or Close", 2 seconds later it CRASHES!

Hope it is reproduceable for you as it is for me.
Thank you

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