Re: Glissando causing right hand not to make sounds

• Mar 14, 2025 - 04:06

Instrument: Piano
Software: Latest musescore studio version

I have glissando on the left hand, and while the left hand is doing the glissando, the right hand doesn't make any noise.
I've tried changing the glissando to chronic, to white keys, to black keys, to portament, and nothing works except "muting" the glissando itself by unchecking the "play" button for the gliss. Then the right hand makes noise.

Is this a bug? Is there a way to make the right hand make sound while left hand is doing glissando?

Problem is at measure 32.

There is a same iteration at measure 68, but that one works fine for some reason.

Edit: Copying and pasting the phrase with the glissando to other measures causes the same problem for some measures and not for other measures. If I copy the 2 beat phrase into a random measure, it will either play without the right hand or play with the right hand, and it is consistent with the measure (if I delete and input into same measure again, it will play/not play depending on if it previously played)

Edit 2: I copied and pasted this phrase into a new sheet into every single measure. For the first 20-30 measures, the right hand plays with the glissando every time, but some time after that, it starts playing on and off skipping measure. I also noticed a new pattern in the skipping, where most of the time, the D and E chords are skipped, sometimes, only the D chord is skipped.

I am not sure what is causing this, but I think it's a bug?

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