Can't click the icon for the staff text new feature!

• Jul 16, 2024 - 20:58

When I add the staff text to a note and click it, the icon appears but no matter how much I try, the icon is not clickable. Someone experiencing the same?

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Captura de tela 2024-07-16 165829.png 44.94 KB


In reply to by hallanders

It isn't worth it for me to uninstall everything... reinstall. The software is supposed to WORK! So I'm gonna wait for the next update and see if they fix it, otherwise, I will never use it. Anyways there are some other features that I think they should focus but they are never considering (like better looking of chord symbols or plugins).

In reply to by Bruno de Brito

It does work for most people. In order for anyone to understand what unique qualities of your system (and apparently one other) causes it to fail, please share more system details - your OS, display configuration, graphics driver, etc. Then maybe someone can spot what specific aspect of your systems triggers the problem for you but not everyone else, and then you can report it to the developers so they can investigate further.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My first time here.
I hope my English is clear enough,
I have the same problem with Staff text audio icon.
I find out that every time you grab and move the page with your mouse, like scrolling in whatever direction, the next time you click the audio icon it will work,

Mac Mini 2012
Intel HD4000 Graphics
Mac os Sonoma

Hope this help

In reply to by sfzsnxkp6r

Until today, I had the same problem, here with Windows 10 (64 bits).

But I just stumbled upon a little workaround that might also work for others (until it eventually gets fixed by the marvelous MuseScore Team!), and it looks very similar to sfzsnxkp6r's solution, who reported it just an hour ago!!! It is even much simpler than mine (it's the moving of the page that seems to do the trick), but I present it here anyhow, just to back up the need for a fix. (I just reported it also in another thread:

When I enter staff text (Ctrl-T), the speaker icon (black on white) appears on the left, and if I click on this icon, it disappears... but it only disappears when I release the mouse button. And it reappears when I click on the text again; and if, while still holding the mouse on the text, I nudge it a bit, the text moves around as expected. Now, if I click-hold this time on the speaker icon and move it a tiny bit (in this case, the text doesn't move; it's the whole page that moves), and only then release the mouse button, then the speaker icon remains, and I just need to click on it again to now get a white speaker icon in a blue circle to appear together with the expected dialogue to modify the sound or change playing technique. I can then choose my sound flag. But I need to re-nudge the speaker icon every time I want to modify the sound flag.

Hope this might help some!

How can I go about reporting this funny bug that seems to affect only a few people?

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later
Arch.: x86_64
MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.1-242490810,
revision: 0b3dd00
Muse sampler: 0.100.1
Fresh reinstall of Musescore & Muse Hub

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