Changing mixer settings part way through

• Feb 14, 2020 - 02:08

I want to chnge the mixer volume of an instrument part way through a song
Is this possible ?


While the song is playing, you can move the mixer's slider for that instrument when it gets to the part in the song - just like using a studio mixing console.

If you want to notate the volume change into the score itself (and also for playback), use Dynamics.
(Then you won't have to fuss with the mixer during playback.)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

If dynamics were actually usable for that, great...but in many cases they're just not. I'm having to use hidden instruments for each "real" instrument with different mixer levels just so I can even hear notes, or get consistent dynamics between 1/8 notes and longer notes etc.
Being able to change mixer levels on the fly would definitely be handy feature either way - e.g. to simulate a player being asked to play after walking off-stage or the doors being closed while a choir was singing off stage (Holst the planets etc.), and obviously for amplified music that sort of thing happens all the time.

In reply to by Dylan Nicholson1

if you have a score with different volume depending on duration, please open an issue so the developers can investigate.

Same if there are notes you can’t hear when your volume is turned up to an appropriate volume level.

But anyhow, future versions of MuseScore will include automation lanes to give more fine-grained control over dynamics.

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