File wont open

• Jul 26, 2024 - 09:21

Hi, I've been working on this drumline cadence for a couple days now, and was getting super close to the end when I was writing one of the last measures, I tried to use 32nd notes, then played it back and it was giving audio, so I presumed it was about to crash so I quickly saved, and my computer crashed. After restarting my computer, the file won't open back up and I'm not sure why.

I'm using the Musescore drumline audio files, and the drum set files to be able to write with those, but none of my other files that use them are experiencing the same problem.

I would really like to be able to finish this in time for band camp to start so my university could play it. Any advice to possibly help.

Attachment Size
Yosef's Beard Remix.mscz 181.64 KB


I have tried to get at the file contents using 7-Zip, but the usual remedies don't work.
Sadly, I think that your score may not be recoverable. Can you find a backup copy?

In reply to by Sk3tchy007

I don't use MuseScore drumline and/or its audio files and I don't know what you meant when you wrote: was giving audio, so I presumed it was about to crash so I quickly saved, and my computer crashed.

What exactly caused your presumption that MS was about to crash?

You wrote:
Do you have an recommendations of how to prevent this from happening in the future?

Well... the file you provided crashed on me too upon opening in MuseScore 4. However I did manage to open the file (actually the extracted .mscx) in MuseScore 3 and saved it (as mscz):
Yosef's Beard Remix2a.mscz
...which successfully opens in MuseScore 4 (after clicking OK about it being a version 3.6.2 file).
--BUT-- This file is toxic to MuseScore 4 upon saving and then re-opening!!! Yikes!
It opens OK and can be immediately saved, yet it will crash MuseScore 4 when opened after the save! (Try it)
In fact, I had attached the MS4 saved file to my post and only discovered the re-open problem when I downloaded it to verify it survived the upload and posting.

So... I opened the Yosef's Beard Remix2a.mscz, again in MuseScore 4, but this time I made all the instruments visible by opening all "eyeballs" in the Instruments panel. Saving and re-opening worked, so that's the file I ultimately attached.

I don't really have any preventative suggestions -- only that apparently the next version 4.4.0 is not affected.

In reply to by Sk3tchy007

Ah... so the fact that the audio failed led you to believe something was amiss. Got it. Thanks.
In any event, that crash when opening your score was weird. My MuseScore 4 just shut down in an instant. No error messages, and when re-starting MS4 there was no message about having previously crashed.

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