Score keeps crashing the app

• Jul 24, 2023 - 05:12

Ever since I updated to Musescore 4.1, this specific score always crashes when I open it. It doesn't even show an error message, the app just shuts down. And it's only this score that I have this problem with. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Attachment Size
Pretty_Piece_2.mscz 744.8 KB


Should be better like this: 3Pretty_Piece_2.mscz
Explanation: The piano staves in particular (and the last percussion staff) contained several severely corrupted measures. For the fix, I had to remove the parts. Just recreate them.

In reply to by Eva Budde

a) If you are having a problem with ALL scores, you are having a different problem unless ALL scores you are working with have similar corruptions.
b) There is no need to log in to use Musescore Studio, the free notation editor. Perhaps you are having a problem logging in to the score sharing website, If so ask for help/report the problem there. See and perhaps try emailing or post at
c) if your problem is in fact with Musescore Studio, it is better to start a new thread here rather than tacking on to an existing one. Give as much information as possible about what you are trying to do, how you are trying to do it and what happens instead of what you expect. Also, say which version of Musescore, which operating system you are using, whether you are using third party sound fonts, multiple screens or other unusual set ups. And attach a score that demonstrates the problem - if it is all scores then selecting an example should be easy. Perhaps you are working with a particular type of score that causes your particular problem in combination with your particular system set up

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