Bends for guitar notation ( not tab)

• Aug 3, 2024 - 14:38

Is there a plan to reinstate guitar bends in Musescore 4 (as it was in Musescore 3). Thanks, Brian


In reply to by TheHutch

Thanks for your reply. I always write my notation in MS3. (I do not use tab). I open it in MS4 and the bends do not work. For the first time today I tried to write notation in MS4. However, in Master Palette/articulation there is no "bend" symbol. (It is the second last symbol in "articulation" in MS3).

Where is the bend symbol/choice in MS4.
Very many thanks, Brian

In reply to by Brian Hannaway

While guitar bends work, in MuS 4 they work in an entirely different fashion than they did in MuS 3. I believe (someone tell me if I'm wrong?) that you'll have to recreate the bent notes in MuS 4 with its new structure.

The bend symbols are on the Guitar palette. Once a bend is placed, select it and go to the Properties tab (upper left) to modify its "shape". I recommend creating a little test score and play with them a bit to learn how to use them.

In reply to by TheHutch

Hi TheHutch: I have done that and cannot find how to modify "size". Please note that I am a little dumb in using MS4. I have attached a screenshot of Properties and have looked at all the options available, but no success. I simply wish the MS has left the feature which was in MS3 in MS4 !!
Brian (still a novice !!) Properties.png

In reply to by Brian Hannaway

"I cannot see a "bend" icon"

Version 3: in Articulations palette (click on "More" if needed and drag the bend icon in the main part of the palette, or change of workspace, ie Basic to Advanced, in menu View / Workspaces / Advanced) - image below
Version 4: in Guitar palette
That's all.

In reply to by cadiz1

Hi All: One thousand thanks. I did not realise that, even though I had written a bar in the guitar mode, the palette still showed Piano. I had assumed that, if I chose my instrument as guitar when I wrote the bar, the articulation would automatically be for guitar and not an instrument which I had not chosen. I need to look more closely at the detail in future.
Anyway, very many thanks for your unfailing patience and help. It is very much appreciated. Brian

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