Offset Change

• Aug 12, 2024 - 02:16

Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to fix it? When I input the notes, everything works fine, but when I put the notes into a cross-staff notation, it changes the offset of the dotted half at the bottom and puts it with the eighth note. I want to keep them separate to ensure the pianist knows to hold that bottom note.

Attachment Size
Staff.jpg 19.58 KB


In reply to by rothers

"Then I put the notes into a cross-staff notation, it changes the offset of the dotted half at the bottom and puts it with the eighth note."
Hmm, it seems you are running version 3, right? In any case, I can reproduce with 3.6.2
Works as expected with version 4 (4.3.2), see:

Sans titre 1.jpg

EDIT: as workaround with the V3, you can change the horizontal offset in Inspector ("Chord" section) of the 8th note. And complete by reducing the leading space.


In reply to by cadiz1

Ah, that must be why I'm still having problems. I'm on version 4, but it's still 4.02. I'll have to update to the latest version when I get the chance. I don't use Musescore all the time, as I'm an enthusiast by nature, but I find it quite good for most of what I try to do with it.

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