How to uninstall Musescore 4

• Aug 23, 2024 - 02:30

I have 4.3.2 on 2 Mac. One opens everything, one says every one of my files is corrupt. Same message:
"Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0"

I would conclude I should uninstall and reinstall. Can't find any source in the handbook or the Forum for how to do this. Any help?

Or , does someone know the fix for "all files are corrupted"?


Uninstall and reinstall almost never solves problems with MuseScore, a factory reset is much much more likely to help
However: both is described in the handbook...

Not in this case though, probably that score is just broken, but attach it here and we'll check

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