Pitch in MuseScore Is Off

• Aug 21, 2024 - 23:04

I have tuned my guitar with two different tuners. I am trying to notate a song in MuseScore and test it with my guitar. It isn't working because the notes in MuseScore are about a half-step low. I clicked "Concert Pitch", but it didn't help. How do I fix it?


MS3 had the ability to globally change the pitch (A = 440) but MS4, so far, is lacking. Whist I'm no Segovia, I can play a guitar and IMHO it's pretty trivial to re-tune your guitar to match MuseScore.

Thanks for the replies! Based on what I'm reading, I suspect it's a problem with my computer then. I was hoping there was a way to "tune" MuseScore. My tuner is set at A4=440.

I'm having the same problem, only it appears for all MuseScore software I've been using on computers in my house are playing the pitch a whole step too low. It seems the Synthesizer is not available, as I've turned every stone looking for it in Musescore, looking up online instructions, and haven't found anything.

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