Measure is too long to fit on one page, doesn't wrap

• Aug 27, 2024 - 12:30

Musescore appears not to wrap measures over multiple lines if they contain too many notes.

I can of course split the huge single measure into multiple individual ones, but this messes with measure numbering (which I don't want to do for a classical piece – I would like to keep the measure numbers as written by the composer).

You can see in the screenshots that either notes of the long measure are missing or the measure numbers are incorrect.

Is there a way of telling Musescore to create a line break within a measure, without creating a new measure? Is there another workaround you can think of?



Not sure if there's meanwhile an easier method: Add a system break, select the desired barlines and measure numbers and press "v" to make them invisible, right click on the measures->measure properties... and select "exclude from measure count"

Hmm, I've never seen it shove the end of the measure out of the display (as in 28.11), though I believe others have reported similar behavior.

To split a measure, you have to create two measures and set them to the appropriate Actual Duration in Measure Properties. The Tools / Measures / Split measure before selected note/rest does this for you. Make the barline between not visible.

To get the measure numbers correct, go to Measure Properties and check the Exclude from measure count checkbox in ONE of the two measures.

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