Download musescore 4.4 issues

• Aug 30, 2024 - 18:19

I've made multiple attempts to download the program, but when I try to open I only get a blank screen. I've tried troubleshooting, a page on the site titled "How to fix MuseScore installation error on Windows." Then came to a screen that said "Issues found - incompatible program - "fixed" with a checkmark. Then I get to the setup wizard and it asks me if I want to either repair or remove the program. I've tried "repair" several times. I've also tried "remove" and starting all over. Still a blank screen. Thanks for any help!


I had similar problems. I updated from 4.32 to 4.4 and everything froze. I've tried removing the program and re-downloading. I got one old score to open but again when I tried to open "new score" the program froze! What should i do? Thanks, Frank

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Regarding the blank screen problem that some people are experiencing:

We are about to release a fix for this problem, and it would be great if you can help us by testing it. To do so:
1. Go to
2. Make sure you are logged in with a GitHub account
3. Download MU4_242481121_Win_4.4.1
4. Run this test build following these instructions:…
5. Let us know if it works, by leaving a comment here.

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