Window and Cursor behaviour in 4.4

• Sep 5, 2024 - 16:36

On operating MS 4.4.1 for the first time I am getting some crazy behaviour with my screen - the system is unoperable because half the buttons are missing in full screen mode and in order to effect a button I have to click a centimetre above it. The only way of exiting was to CTRL ALT DEL.
Ideally I would want to revert to the previous version of MS but I understand that is not possible??
Also, when I did manage to play through a score the progress mark was a note or so behind the music. But that's a minor issue in the grand scheme of things.
Windows 10 by the way. No problems with previous version of MS.
What have they done, guys?!!


No dual screen.
Have tried restoring default layout.
Attached is a picture of my computer screen.
You will see that there is a margin above the commands, and it is as if the musescore stuff has "slipped down" the screen. So when I click on View for example, nothing happens, but if I click slightly above View, the button responds.
All my other computer facilities behave as normal.

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Capture.JPG 119 KB

Also attached is the result of maximising the MS window - there appears to be a transparent top edge, and I have to click above the buttons (inside the transparent area!) to get a response.

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Capture full.JPG 197.87 KB

In reply to by Ali Wood

Ali Try this. The full screen problem has existed in one form or another since V4 came out. Get out of full screen and drag the edges and/or corners of the MuseScore window to take up the whole screen. Leave it in that mode. That's how I have mine. I know it seems wrong, but it works for me.

I'm here to 2nd this problem, it's been happening to me both on 4.4 and 4.4.1. Currently on Windows 11 with a vertically stacked dual monitor setup. When I open MS it comes up in full screen mode on my top/2nd monitor where everything works as expected. I want to use it on my primary monitor so I exit full screen and move the window to the other screen. When I get there some of the menus (File, Edit, etc.) open up on the top monitor and some (Score View, time/key signature in new score creator, etc.) highlight as if they're open but the menus never pop up. If I try to re-enable full screen mode the entire window disappears and I have to restart the program.

This is a problem with your graphics driver. Could you let us know which video card you are using?

What do you see when you click Diagnostic > System > Show graphics info…?
The files from Diagnostic > Save diagnostic files… might help as well.

You can try if there are updates available for your graphics drivers; how to install those will depend on your specific system.

In reply to by cbjeukendrup

My graphics driver is Intel(R) HD Graphics and there are no updates available for my computer.

I see:-
Graphics Api: opengl

The diagnostic zip file was too large to be attached, unfortunately, sorry.

PS If I didn't describe my problem very well, then the word "offset" would be a better description of what is happening.

In reply to by Ali Wood

I just had another thought: we're considering to update to a different version of Qt, and there is a slight chance that that solves this problem. We created a test version of MuseScore that uses this different version of Qt. You can download it from here:
by following these instructions:…
It would be great if you could try this out, and let us know if it works.

FWIW, even when a graphics driver leads to weird display/click behavior, you can always operate menus using the standard mnemonics (e.g., Alt+F for File). And quit is always Ctrl+Q, just as Ctrl+W is close window. Alo Alt+F4. Not just in MuseScore, but in pretty much any Windows program (other systems may have different standard shortcuts). Unless your entire computer locks up, you should"t ever need to resort to Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

In reply to by Ali Wood

I was thinking the workaround of “View / Restore the default layout” had been mentioned and you weren’t able to try it because clicking wasn’t working, but maybe no one suggested that? Worth a shot - but it would be great if you try out the test build mentioned previously first, to see if it fixes the problem on its own.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

OK, so I click on the downloaded file, and it gives me a screen with 3 files, one a 7z file. I hit the extract button and it gives me an option saying "do you want to inflate this....?"
Then it does some extracting, and I hit Open Downloaded Files, and it takes me into Windows explorer to a folder Musescore 4.4.2.... which I dive into. According to the instructions I should see a "bin" folder, yes, but when I look inside the bin folder I don't see any .exe file.

In reply to by Ali Wood

These are not system errors, but purely related to MuseScore; although that doesn't make it much better. Have you already tried clicking 'OK' and then restarting?

I'll probably need your diagnostic files again. This time you can't use MuseScore to export them, of course...
But you can do the following:
1. In Windows Explorer, enter %LOCALAPPDATA%\MuseScore into the address bar
2. Compress the MuseScore4 and MuseScore4Development subfolders into ZIP files
3. Upload those, or email them again

Hopefully that will lead to something useful.

I was having a similar problem -- don't know if it's the same exact problem or not, but hey -- and found that creating a new workspace at least gave me access to the file and music again. A kludge to be sure, but it worked for me.

Hoping for 4.4.2 soon.

In reply to by Ali Wood

To create a workspoace, click the workspace control in the bottom toolbar. The default workspace is called "default" but you can create others, and switch between them as desired. A workspace holds your user interface customizations - palette changes you've made, panels you'd opened, closed, or undocked, etc.

In reply to by Ali Wood

That bottom bar -- I found that I could move it to be visible by dragging. There's a space, then "Workspace: Default | [tuning fork icon] Concert Pitch | Page view | two magnifying glasses | 100% "

Click on Workspace, create a new workspace. Done. I called mine "ugh".

Now, if that status bar is covered by your score, that might be a problem, but I think mine was sticking out a bit to the left of my score so I could drag it down to visibility.

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Musescore Status Bar floating.jpg 18.34 KB

Will 4.4.2. correct these errors? How could we allow a new release and yet not allow rollback to the previous version? Don't understand this. Being totally unable to use Musescore is an alarming experience - I have to walk the dog twice as often.... - seriousness aside.

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