Repeats show on the score, but not individual parts

• Sep 22, 2024 - 19:55

I typed up a quartet, multiple movements, with repeats in each section. When finished, I saved the file, and exported the score & individual instrument parts to pdf's. In the .mscz file, the repeats show on all parts when I look at them individually (hiding the other instruments), and as a score (making all instruments visible). On the exported pdfs however, in the last movement, repeats show on the score, but only the 1st beginning repeat shows on the individual instrument pdf's. They are missing 4 repeat signs. Similarly, if I look at the parts on separate tabs, only the initial repeat appears. I did all 4 parts in a movement before moving on to the next one; I don't recall if I did something different on the last movement; the others are fine. If, on the score, I delete a repeat sign for 1 instrument, then add it back in, it'll show on that part (I tested it on measure 8, oboe). Yes, I can correct the file that way...but any ideas why it happened? I'm attaching a copy of the file, last movement only.

Attachment Size
RepeatInScoreNotParts.mscz 180.12 KB


Your repeats occur mid measure as is common in classical pieces. You have added non-functional repeat barlines. For repeats to work, the barlines have to occur at the start or end of a measure. This means that you need to split the measures where the repeats occur. Click on the final note and use Tools>Measure>Split measure before selected note or rest. This splits the 2/4 measure into a 3/8 and 1/8 measure and you will see a grey "-" above the two measures to indicate that they are shorter than the time signature indicates. This will also remove the non-functional repeats that you had added. You need to replace them from the barlines palette.

I have done all that in the attached fixed version. You will have to fix the layout which has changed a bit.


It is not clear to me why the non-functioning repeat barlines did not get shown in the score. I think this may be a bug, but as they wouldn't have been honoured during playback it is not a big deal.

See this part of the handbook where it is explained, probably more clearly than I would.

For GB English, read "bar" for "measure".

In reply to by SteveBlower

To me this seems like a bug indeed, as when you select a note in a measure (not the first or last note), the repeat barline is just added as a symbol into the measure. Guess you might also calls that a feature but not if that would ever be needed, as this seems to work the same in MS3 as well.

Edit: seems Steve was quicker with the reply:) but at least we came up with the same story.

Hi, for me it seems odd that there is a difference in the repeat sign placement and I don't know how you managed to achieve this.


The score is showing a different placement, the first repeat signs shows connected between violins sections, while the second is not connected.
For the second one, it also is possible to remove 1 of the repeat signs and keep the others and it you try to do the same for the first repeat sign, it removes all in that measure.

I do see the second repeat sign is not at a regular barline position.
Have you also noticed that the score playback is ignoring these repeats?

From what i can tell these repeats are now just symbols in the score, instead of true repeats.

The usual process to get a repeat barline at an "not barline" position would be to split the measure at the position you need to repeat sign. Tools→Measures→Split Measure Before Selected Note/Rest.
See also:…

Hope this helps and perhaps explains what happened.

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