MS-EVO - Remove space caused by staves hidden (no content).

• Sep 26, 2024 - 21:08

When I use the cut away feature I only need those particular bars to show. So, I use the "Hide empty bars" feature for the empty bars.

However, when I then make the parts for usage, the initial staves (the ones not hidden) are spaced very far apart, because the hidden staves still take up the space as they are still there. This causes the parts to look badly and, indeed, this can cause extra pages to be needed.

It would be a great boon if those hidden bars would not force the visible bars apart. I'm not sure how it would be done. If anyone has a kludge I would be grateful. :)


In reply to by xavierjazz

Certainly MuseScore won't completely omit hidden measures - they still exist when generating parts whether they be multi-measure rested or just "plain" hidden. Looks like you'd have to manually make a "part" score catered to the desired outcome, whatever that really is. Same goes for 3.6 and 4.x at the moment - What could possibly be done is allow a generated part to not affect the main score so that a user could also delete measures only in the part, but it looks like even in MSS4 that's not possible. Might be worth a feature request for the in-house team or whatever over at github

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