• Oct 8, 2024 - 13:05

I have just produced a Symphony Orchestral Score and I would like to
make it into a Template so that I can use it again. Help?


Save it in the templates folder!
Then you can retrieve them by selecting "Custom templates" when creating a new score.
The template file does not require more than one measure and no notes. It only includes the instruments and their arrangement in the score as well as the text styles.

In reply to by cadiz1

IMPORTANT: I would like to add that the path to the Templates folder might be different from the one listed in the MuseScore Preferences. This can be the case for Mac users, where the "Documents" folder might be suffixed with the name of the user's Mac. On installation of MuseScore, by default the preferences for the "Templates" folder will point to the "/Documents/MuseScore4/Templates". In order to make sure MuseScore is getting the template folder right, open MuseScore Studio -> Preferences which will bring up the dialog in screenshot below.

MuseScore Preferences.jpg

Click the folder icon to the right of the file path and locate the Templates folder manually. When done, restart MuseScore, and then on creation of a new score you will see the "My Templates" entry (provided you have saved a MuseScore file at this very location of course).

MuseScore My Templates.jpg

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