UI not playing nice...

• Oct 20, 2024 - 09:04

Hi all;

I'm going blind (AMD) but I'm not ready to give up music. I've repurposed my 40” TV to be my monitor. It's 1920x1080, less than a computer monitor but much bigger screen, hence easier to read.

I've also bumped the text size up to 125% and I'm using the accessibility options...

Most of the programs reflect this but Musescore 3 does not. See attached JPG. Overall nothing much has increased in size but In particular note the second line from the top where the “Print score”, “Save score” icons are so small that they just look like dots.

Is there a UI option that I can set that will correct this?

And no, I cannot move to Musescore 4 as my students do not have , and are unlikely to talk their parents into buying, an upgraded computer. Music is not a high priority to adults (parents)...

Your assistance is appreciated...


Attachment Size
Musescore 3 too small.jpg 182.73 KB


Under "Edit -> Preferences" you can change the values for "Icon width", "Icon height" and "Font size" to enlarge the icons and menu items.

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