Merging 2 different instruments onto one staff
I wasn't able to find what I needed to help me with this, but I want to merge two different instruments onto one staff all together, I wasn't able to do instrument changes, and I could not find something that play those two instruments unlike how a drum set would give you different percussion instruments in one. I'm just looking for help on this, how it's set up is that I'm using bells, and vibraphone, I just want to add them in the same measure, how would I do that?
Here is how to do mid-instrument changes:
And here is how to combine instruments (if it works in your case):
I am unsure if it is possible to combine notation from a vibraphone and bells, but it is worth a try if you go that route.
In reply to Here is how to do mid… by karolcpm
I just didn't merge the two together and kept them as their own separate measure, I just prefer to keep the instruments together since some would have the same part and it'll save page room. Thank you for the help though.