Colouring staves

• Nov 23, 2024 - 08:12

I don't know if this is already possible, but what I want to do is add a coloured background to different staves to highlight certain instruments or groups of instrument. I am working on an orchestral score with 32 instruments and it would make it much easier to navigate if I could colour, say the French horns in blue and the trombones in pink, so that their staves jump out at me. What I want is a pale colour that fills the stave but is in the background which would mean that I could still see the notes. Then when I am zoomed out with all 32 instruments displayed I can see, let's say the oboes, trombones and first violins, as colours even though the labels are too small to read.

I hope this makes sense. Any advice would be gratefully received.

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Screenshot 2024-11-23 090823.png 357.41 KB


In reply to by yonah_ag

This solution unfortunately does not function in MuseScore 4.5 (beta version) because the parameter "Stacking order(z)" does not exist as such. At least I could not find it until now. Under the properties of the Line, there are some fields : Order: with values " Forward, Backward, ...,...", but I do not see any effect on the line, when I select them. My coloured line cover the notes on the staff, I do not Know how I can make the line transparent inside MuseScore.

Use Inkscape to create small images with the desired color.
In Musescore, add a horizontal frame before the first measure of each page.
Transfer the color images to the horizontal frame,
Set the aspect ratio to "unlock" and the stacking order to "1". You must do this on every page. Do this at the very end when you have finished the score. Otherwise you will always have to correct the position of the colors.
It will look like this (Musescore 3.7, paper size A6):
ScreenShot 342.png

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