Transcripion particulière
Je bloque sur une partition à transcrire sur MUSESCOR 3. Celle-ci (voire fichier joint) comporte des mesures particulières (19/8 - 10/8 - etc.) comprenant des RONDES encadrées de doubles traits verticaux. Pouvez-vous m'indiquer comment les créer ?
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La Sagesse a dressé une table.pdf | 487.99 KB |
Google Translate says:
I am stuck on a score to transcribe on MUSESCOR 3. This one (see attached file) has special measures (19/8 - 10/8 - etc.) including ROUNDS framed by double vertical lines. Can you tell me how to create them?
To create the unusual time signatures, see, especially the section on "Creating a custom time signature".
The "round framed by double vertical lines" is a "double whole note". Its shortcut is 8. You can display this note in the note input section by adding it from the Customize toolbar button: the gear button at the far right of that toolbar. Find the "double whole note" and click the "closed eye" button next to it to "open the eye" and display it on the toolbar.
In reply to Google Translate says: -=-=-… by TheHutch
Merci de votre retour.
Comment fait-on pour ajouter la double note sur MUSESCORE 3 ?
In reply to Merci de votre retour… by Jean-Paul Jouanne
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