Score Invalid! Help!!

• Dec 31, 2024 - 19:23

I've been working for hours and completed my score. When I went to open it the next day it says "Score Invalid". Please walk me through step by step to recover my score please!!!

And anything the company can do to prevent such problems from occurring so often would be great!


There is no such line "Score Invalid" in Musescore Studio code.
There is a line "This score is invalid" in Musescore Studio code.
If this is your case, here is the instruction for windows:
1. Press ⊞ Win + R
2. Copy/Paste: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4\cloud_scores
3. Press Enter
4. Look there for a file that might be called not_uploaded.mscz or something similar.
5. If you find something interesting, copy that file to another location and open from that new location

And for Mac:
1. Shift + Command (⌘) + G
2. Copy/Paste:
~/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/cloud_scores
3. Press Enter
4. Look there for a file that might be called not_uploaded.mscz or something similar.
5. If you find something interesting, copy that file to another location and open from that new location

Do you mind attaching the score here for us to take a look? Also you can attach diagnostic files: Go to menu Diagnostics -> Save diagnostic files.
Which version of MuseScore Studio do you use?

In reply to by cadiz1

My score opens fine to but I get the error when I try to save it. I save in a local file that is immediately synced to the cloudservice pCloud.

Disable autosave -> no luck
Disabling sync to pCloud: -> no error yet. I will finish my score, make a copy and then start sync again.

In reply to by Lucapersempre

That score opens fine for me, I can make changes and I can save it. Unless your system has an uncommon setting that MuseScore just happens to not work well with, it looks very much like a problem with your system, not a MuseSCore-specific problem. Does your system/setup have anything different from the ordinary?

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.4-243461245, revision: 2232670

In reply to by Lucapersempre

Earlier, you said "Disabling sync to pCloud: -> no error yet. I will finish my score, make a copy and then start sync again."

Did disabling sync to the cloud allow you to save a local copy? Could you then open that local copy?. If Yes, then likely a cloud problem, if No then could be a local disc or other hardware problem.

In reply to by Lucapersempre

The diagnostics files show no problems saving locally but failed saves to pCloud. Sounds like a permissions issue to me. Try granting MuseScore permission to write to the pCloud drive. Unfortunately I am not a macOS user so I don't know how exactly it is done. You could probably ask pCloud support.

In reply to by Lucapersempre

I think your problem is that you open your score from pCloud in MU. This works but then MU is unable to save to pCloud (there is an error 409: failed to copy file) which again is probably a permission issue. Or you shouldn't be opening your score from pCloud in the first place: open your local copy instead, make changes, save to local copy, sync the local copy to pCloud.

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