Optional notes (parenthesis around a note)

• Sep 19, 2013 - 09:27

I am using the program (1.3) for drumset scores. I have found ways to do most of the notation I need, but one thing (so far) eludes me. There are times when I want to mark a note as 'optional' or 'ghost' by putting parenthesis around it. As far as I can tell, there is no way to do this, although you can put parenthesis around an accidental. Could this be expanded to put the parenthesis around a note on the drum staff?



Ghost notes are often notated with small notehead in my country (France). You can right click a note -> note properties -> small.
If you want to put parenthesis, press Z and drag and drop the ( and ) on the notehead.

In reply to by edurbrow

You've dug up a very older thread... wow, 2013, still version 1(!), where the Z shortcut was used to access the Symbols palette. This shortcut no longer exists in V4 (but still in V3).

  • However, you can access it via the menu View / Master palette / Symbols / Type "parenthesis" in the search box and drag the symbols near the notes on your score.
  • Alternatively, create a text (Ctrl/Cmd + T), and type the parenthesis symbol on your keyboard (with a space to be created). I did in this manner in the GIF below.

I like this way of doing things because it allows the two parenthesis to be perfectly "solid" (they are like one), while the two symbols in the palette can move around (and it takes longer for the placement to be precise). But this is purely a matter of personal preference.

Video parentèses.gif

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