Evolution - crash upon paste
Evolution crashes when I try to paste from one file to another.
Explanation: A part got detached as a separate file from its source score file during a save-as operation. I thought my save-as was of the entire duet score, not just one of its parts, so I continued working on this new save-as file, thinking I'd overwrite its source when I had access to its drive again. Once I knew that the save-as had only the one part, I tried to copy and paste my work back onto the corresponding part in the source file. But every time I try to paste, Evolution crashes.
I'm trying to avoid recreating my edits in the source file. Any ideas? Is the full score in the "save-as" file but only showing me the part? I don't see the other part listed under Parts or Instruments, so I'm assuming this is well and truly detached from its source.
Here is the information on version, etc.
OS: macOS 13.3, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: ae9b18d
That is a version from a not-yet merged PR (https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/pull/747), does it happen with artifacts from the 3.x branch (like last night's build at https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/actions/runs/12664045947) too?
In reply to That is a version from a not… by Jojo-Schmitz
I don't understand your question. I think my original note has what version I'm using. I don't have the older versions. Is there another way to rejoin that detached part to its source other than copy/paste? I found that if I began the paste after the multirest with both files, there was no crash. But the fine-grained formatting (adjustments to lines, text placement, etc.) all got undone after the paste.
In reply to I don't understand your… by RickyChitarrone
The revision you mentions is from the PR I mentioned, not from the 3.x branch
Use the newer version from tonight, as mentioned in my post (i has the sound fixex merged) or the oone from that sound fix PR
In reply to The revision you mentions is… by Jojo-Schmitz
Es tut mir Leid, aber ich weiß nicht entweder was PR noch "branch" (in diesem Fall) bedeutet.
In reply to Es tut mir Leid, aber ich… by RickyChitarrone
PR, Pull Request, a separate branch, here in case of the macOS warnings fix https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/pull/747 and the branch 3.x-mac-compiler-warnings and its artifacts vs. a build of the 3.x branch, like the latest nightly build, here (for macOS) the artifact from https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/actions/runs/12664045947, https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/actions/runs/12664045947/arti…
Please test with that
In reply to PR, Pull Request, a separate… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks. I'll give it a try and tell you how it goes!