chord notation
I'm getting tired I guess because i've done this before.. Where is the drag and drop for placing chords above the staff?
I'm getting tired I guess because i've done this before.. Where is the drag and drop for placing chords above the staff?
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I'm not aware of a drag and drop method for inserting chords
In reply to I'm not aware of a drag and… by underquark
Thanks.. I don't think that stand alone notation exists.. I ended up using the staff text and adapting that. Thanks
In reply to Thanks.. I don't think that… by michaelfuller
Just for our understanding, why did the chord symbol text support, as described in the above link to the handbook, not do what you wanted?
There's no drag-and-drop option, but select a note, press Ctrl+K and start adding chord symbols. See the Handbook at for details.