Color plugin - change shade of pink

• Jan 10, 2025 - 17:12

When I use the color plug-in that comes with the Boomwhacker colors, the shade of pink used is too similar to the shade of red to distinguish when printed. A lighter pink would be so appreciated!


In reply to by cadenzastudio

Find where you dowloaded the plugin file - it will have a .qml extension. It may be in Documents/MuseScore4/Plugins or a similar directory. Open the file using a text editor. Edit the color string value (#xxxxxx) and save the file. The #values are standard and you can look them up online - bright red is #ff0000 and one shade of pink is #ff8888.

// Boomwhacker colors.
// "#e21c48", // C
// "#f26622", // C#/Db
// "#f99d1c", // D
// "#ffcc33", // D#/Eb
// "#fff32b", // E
// "#bcd85f", // F
// "#62bc47", // F#/Gb
// "#009c95", // G
// "#0071bb", // G#/Ab
// "#5e50a1", // A
// "#8d5ba6", // A#/Bb
// "#cf3e96"  // B

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