Goto Specific Measure Feature
As a score writer, it would be incredibly convenient if they can instantly navigate to a specific measure within a composition. This is useful when:
* Resolving issues or errors in a particular section of the score
* Needing to revisit and edit a specific part of the music
To achieve this, I suggest adding an option under Edit > General > Settings -> Search, allowing users the option to jump to a desired measure number, perhaps the same field as in the Find / Goto box when Edit -> Find / Goto is clicked. An alternative way would be to put it on the status bar at the bottom of the score.
This feature would be especially useful for scores with many measures, reducing time spent searching through the composition. By incorporating this functionality, MuseScore users will experience improved productivity and efficiency when working on complex compositions.
Ctrl+F, measure number
et voilá
In reply to Ctrl+F, measure number et… by Jojo-Schmitz
And see here for more ways to move around your score:
In reply to Ctrl+F, measure number et… by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh, wow! Thanks!
I don't know why it wasn't working the way I thought it would before this. I tried typing numbers in that Goto field. And it was working for up to 99 measures. However, anything beyond that wasn't. I just tried it again, and it makes this post look silly!
That makes me wonder: does being in a different mode change how the Find/Goto search works?
In reply to Oh, wow! Thanks! I don't… by smittyVanilli
There is a rather stupid "feature" of musescore where score repositioning commands, including Find/Goto, only work if the option Pan score during playback is selected. It is even more stupid in MU4 than in MU3 as the button to control that is now tucked away in the docked play panel and it is remarkable if anyone would think of looking there for it (sorry, a bit of a bee in my bonnet about that one!) See and
In reply to There us a rather stupid … by SteveBlower
Thanks for that validation!
In that case, maybe I should change the feature request to finding out which mode we are in? It could be a simple status message at the bottom of the score that tells us which mode we are in.
And if someone has a similar issue, have them go to the mode suited for it, like "default mode", "edit mode", etc.
Also, I love and thanks for the "bit of a bee in my bonnet" idiom. I never heard that one used that much!
In reply to Thanks for that validation!… by smittyVanilli
No, the feature request should be to allow positioning of the score to happen whether the Pan score during playback option is enabled or not. Whether the score is panned or not during playback is irrelevant when you are editing the score and you are never editing and playing back at the same time.