Lyrics sung
Is there a way to have voices actually sing lyrics (the words, not oohs and ahs) in the playback?
Is there a way to have voices actually sing lyrics (the words, not oohs and ahs) in the playback?
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Sure: give the notes to a singer or choir
In reply to Sure: give the notes to a… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hah hah.They cost a little more.
Not at this time. Try again in 5 or 10 years.
In reply to Not at this time. Try again… by TheHutch
Thank you. I hope it happens faster than that. We keep hearing AI is progressing so fast. Seems like something that would be awesome. Am composing and orchestrating an opera and sure would like to be able to demo it with something more than the oohs and ahs.
In reply to Thank you. I hope it happens… by bishthefish
"We keep hearing AI is progressing so fast." *LMAO*
We keep hearing lies about AI. All the hype about AI is, at this time, only hype. Many of the "advancements" attributed to AI have no AI involvement at all, at all. Certainly in the music world, AI has made nothing more than minuscule advancements. In music, humans have NO competition, at this time, from AI.
The change, when it comes, will be very fast and probably very obvious. But it hasn't happened yet.
In reply to "We keep hearing AI is… by TheHutch
I agree. I keep seeing news articles that boast "written by AI and proofread by a human". Often they are full of grammatical and spelling errors. I was a music major and could barely pass English class. So if I can spot mistakes, you know they are bad.
In reply to "We keep hearing AI is… by TheHutch
They already have the ahs and oohs. Seems they could add the dictionary expressed as all possible syllables. But I don't know what I'm talking about, what it would take, how many resources need to be dedicated, whether there is a financial/entrepreneurial upside. I just know that it can be done. Provide the music and the lyrics in musescore format and not only do the instruments play their parts, the singers sing the lyrics! Then one could demo an opera or a musical theatre piece and maybe find some support for the project.
From long ago... :-)
You might find Cantamus ( useful — it doesn’t work directly inside any notation software, but it reads musicxml files generated by Musescore (or Dorico, Sibelius, Finale, etc.), and performs the vocal lines with lyrics. You can download the resultant audio as a .wav file and combine it with any orchestration in your preferred DAW.