
• Mar 21, 2021 - 19:18

Is there a way to create scores using plainsong format or something similar (no time signature, notes with no stems, no bar lines)? If note, could this be added?


Via right click on the staff->staff/part properties... you can deselect "show time signature", "show barlines" and activate in "advanced style properties..." "stemless".

In reply to by kuwitt

Your suggestions work fine if the piece is entirely plainsong. I'm trying to write something which has different sections, only one of which is plainsong. If I try to hide barlines or time signatures, this hides them everywhere in the score, not just in the plainsong section. Any ideas?

In reply to by polehamster

Read the MuseScore 4 Handbook, in particular

BTW, I recommend this to every new (or "new-ish" :-) user I communicate with. Take an hour or two and simply read the entire Handbook ( Don't try to memorize it! Just skim through it and familiarize yourself with the contents! But read it all!!! Then you'll have an idea where to find things when issues come up in the future. "Say! Didn't I see something about that in the Handbook?"

Welcome aboard and best of luck!!!

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