Musescore won't open pdf files

• Jan 20, 2025 - 19:38

Trying to open Pdf files in Musescor 3 or 4 and pop up says it does not have permission to open. how do I resolve this problem please


No version of MuseScore can open .PDF files (directly). Instead, you must convert it to a MusicXML file with any number of available tools and open the MusicXML file.

The most convenient of these tools is available by clicking File / Import PDF, or by browsing to (they go to the same place!). This is the most convenient of the conversion tools; it is not the best. :-(

In reply to by TheHutch

Pray tell, what IS the best PDF converter to use? I've tried a few and they are very frustrating. It seems like in this new age of AI someone would come up with a truly brilliant PDF to Music XML converter that could easily discern random dots and smudges, read all common musical text and graphical elements and just turn that around in a matter of minutes if not seconds. We humans can do that the hard way- can't the machines do it without an inadequate 90 percent accuracy rate? There are apps that can figure out handwritten manuscript already. Can't the bots to that with at least printed music??

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