Problems barless/measureless
Win 11 Mu4.3
Once you use info in handbook for making your score barless/measureless, MU 4.3 does not function properly. Spacing stops, music flow/wrap from system to system does not work. I also noticed some beaming function would not work. The program simply becomes useless.
Unless this has been noticed before I doubt it works any better in 4.4, but I have not started using it, yet. Does not make MU 4 very workable for some early music scoring or some modern scores, as I was trying.
Buy Dorico.
You are experiencing problems with Musescore, but you are not reporting anything specific, you are not attaching screenshots or mscz files. In addition, you refuse to update to the latest version of Musescore.
You probably just want sympathy and a hug.
I hug you and sympathize.
In reply to Buy Dorico. You are… by mercuree
Feel better? Now try to be helpful.
In reply to Feel better? Now try to be… by bobjp
> Now try to be helpful.
I give you this opportunity.
In reply to > Now try to be helpful. I… by mercuree
The OP mentioned at least three specific things. Yes, we need a score. Give the OP a reason to update. And not make fun of them. Do you own Dorico? If not how do you know it is better?
In reply to The OP mentioned at least… by bobjp
Have no idea why you sent this to me. Do not know anything about domino. And said nothing about it. Think you must have mixed up your responses.
In reply to > Now try to be helpful. I… by mercuree
It would be helpful if I had even the slightest idea what you were asking!
In reply to Feel better? Now try to be… by bobjp
NO! Did not do it to feel better. I waited several days before posting. But, actually thought it was helpful to mention such a poorly working function. Your response is the reason I rarely post any of these issues I come across.
Have you tried doing it?
In reply to Buy Dorico. You are… by mercuree
I did not post anything because I have nothing to post. I did not save the mess that I had.
Have you taken the all of 1 minute to try it for yourself? Then you will find out if the function works for you, or you see the same issues I did. Then you can give yourself a big hug with plenty of sympathy for having to
try it yourself.
In reply to I did not post anything… by R. L. F.
Sorry about the response from mercuree.
Dorico is a paid notation software. His answer to most everyone is to buy Dorico. I see you are getting help with your question.
MuseScore isn't really setup for music without barlines. Everything is work around. Some things work. Some do not.
In reply to Sorry about the response… by bobjp
Very true about 'somethings' in musescore. Thanks for the comment. I think I am having problems following which comments are for whom....or responding to whom!
In reply to I did not post anything… by R. L. F.
The only way we can really see what your problem is--and determine how to help you--is to see the actual problem you are having. Do whatever you did before, carefully and completely document what you do (Details! Details! Details!!!), save the file, and share it here by attaching to a post.
Without seeing what you're seeing and knowing how you got there, it's not possible for us to do more than guess wildly.
In reply to The only way we can really… by TheHutch
I have been reading some of the posts in this thread and I simply find the options discussed very busy and somewhat bothersome.
When I finally scored the work I simply did it in a normal time sign then when finished scoring, hid the barlines and sign and was done. I guess I did not try deleting the time sign because I did not think that would work. Guess I will give that a quick try.
I simply did the measureless part first, then started entering note. Does not work as I have said. Beyond that I do not remember All the things I tried. And sorry, I am done with that and probably never using it again!!
In reply to I have been reading some of… by R. L. F.
Certainly can't blame you.