Baroque guitar (early music > plucked strings

• Sep 26, 2023 - 16:31

Hello, first of all, sorry if this is not the right forum for this subjet.
I was scrolling through the early music plucked strings sections (lute et al.) and I thought that it would be great to be able to write for 5 course baroque guitar. Since the baroque guitar tablature is rather complex I offer myself to help. I don't have any knowledge of programming, but I can asses in the features needed. For example, the functionality of writting a capital letter as a chord into the tablature for the value required and the possibility of adding normal ciphers to this chords in a second layer.
Maybe baroque guitar tablature is not as much in demand as 'classic' lute tablature, but it would make every baroque guitarrist happy. As for myself, I have typeset this kind of tablature for a number of books and other printed editions, using text edition to insert the required 'alfabeto' characters, and it is such a hard task which could be much more simple if Musescore had the avaliability.
Any suggestions?
Best regards
Francisco Valdivia


"I don't have any knowledge of programming"
It's a pity!
To get started, you need to submit a feature request on GitHub, providing examples (images of pages in the baroque guitar repertoire) and a MuseScore file (if you have one) containing the essential features you're looking for. Here:
NB: I am interested too, baroque guitare player also...

In reply to by bmarie11

What do you mean by " i'd love to hear more" and "but I've been "hearing" it for either baroque guitar or lute."
If you're referring to playback, there's no Muse Sounds for these early music instruments (yet?)

In reply to by bmarie11

What your picture shows is that the lutes are available, of course, and configured with their different tunings in Musescore for entering the scores you want. But what I meant was that there is no specific sound library (no specific playback) for lutes. From memory, they sound like guitar (classical) in MS Basic.

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