Vertical line with hook or bracket for...

• Feb 4, 2025 - 08:42

Hi. I am looking for vertical line with hook but actually this is a kind of bracket i think.
in spite of searching this many times, I could not get any solution.


How can I draw this kind of line or bracket? Thank you for your reply.

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IMG_6095.jpg 341.03 KB


I simply used lines, one of them with a hook. Line thickness like the ones on the pentagram: 1.1.
You could also draw that symbol with a graphics software and then import it into MuseScore and resize it as you like.
I attach the file Riffero.mscz so you can see what was done.
Sorry for the English but I don't know the language.

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Allegato.png 93.97 KB
Riffero.mscz 19.84 KB

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