Copy an entire staff from a score

• Feb 15, 2025 - 12:18

From a Finale refugee. I want to add a staff to a large score that will be playing the same line as an existing staff. How can I copy and paste the existing staff into the new staff without doing it one measure at a time.


  1. Add a new (and empty) staff in the target sccore.
  2. Select the entire staff in the source score (Click 1st measure, SHift+click last measure, or, if that score has only one staff, Ctrl+A)
  3. Copy (Ctrl+C)
  4. Select the 1st measure in the target score
  5. Paste (Ctrl+V)

To 2.:
Select the first measure and then use Shift+Ctrl+End to select all measures on this staff.
Or select the last measure to be copied with Shift+left mouse click.

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